breeding rules
Country A-L
Argentina - full FCI member
Terranova Club Argentino (founded 2012)Federation Cinologica Argentina
Australia - assiciated FCI member
Australia has three Newfoundland clubs:
Newfoundland Club of South Australia Inc.
Newfoundland Club of Victoria Inc.
The Newfoundland Club of NSW Inc.
Australian National Kennel Council Ltd.
Austria - full FCI member
Österreichischer Neufundländer Klub (founded 1967)
Österreichischer Kynologen Verband
common rules:
- Minimum hip and elbow x-ray earliest with 20 months.
- Hip grade A and B approved.
- Until elbow grade 1 approved.
- Cystinuria only clear x clear and clear x carrier, carrier x carrier not allowed.
- Heart examination with color doppler.
- Bonitation earliest with an age of 20 months
Belgium - full FCI member
Newfoundland Club of Belgium (founded 2008) - Webpage offline
St. Hubert Kennel Club Inc.
common rules:
There are no breeding rules from the Belgian Newfoundland Club, but the requirements of the Belgian Kennel Club (St. Hubert) have to be fulfilled:
Hip examination from 18 months hip grade A to C allowed, C only with A or B. All other no breeding permittion.
DNA profile of both parents is required and minimum from one puppy from each litter to confirm parenthood (the more the better).
Each tested puppy gets an imprint onto the pedigree that the parents are confirmed. The DNA profile is determined by a saliva sample.
When using a foreign dog, DNA is also necessary. Regulation of St. Hubert for dogs born after the 1st of January 2008:
1 time minimum "good" under a Belgian judge on one of the two annual shows of St. Hubert. There are no qualifications.
Either you get the certificate or you do not get it.
Newfoudland Dog Club of Canada (NDCC)
Canadian Kennel Club
The NDCC members are expected to breed according to the Canadian standard. If a breeder indicates that he breeds gray and/or brown,
he loses the membership in the NDCC, but not the right to have his dogs registered in the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club).
If a brown or gray puppy is born accidentally, this does not affect the membership.
Most of the Newfoundland breeders in Canada are not members of the NDCC. There are breeders who breed outside the CKC
and the Canadian law and only carry out foreign registrations (usually AKC).
No health examinations are required.
Czech Republic - full FCI member
has two FCI recognized clubs:
Novofundland klub CR (founded 1967)
Klub novofundlandský pes ČR
Českomoravská kynologická unie
common rules:
Maximum hip grade D is permitted, otherwise no health tests are required.
Denmark - full FCI member
Newfoundlandklubben Danmark
Dansk Kennel Klub
common rules:
- hip grade A to C gets breeding permission, x-ray earliest with an age of 18 months
- elbow grade 0 to 2 allowed, x-ray earlierst with an age of 12 months
Cardiac examinations.
Breeding requirement at least 1 x very good at an official show.
Estonia - full FCI member
has two FCI recognized clubs:
Eesti Newfoundlandi koerte Klubi
Eesti Newfoundlandi koerte Ja Landseeride Touühing
Eesti Kennelliit
Finland - full FCI member
Suomen Newfoundlandinkoirayhdistys Ry (founded 1952)Kennelliitto
The Finnish Kennel Klub does not require any health checks, and the Finnish Newfoundland Club is only giving
In order to get to the puppy list of the Finnish Newfoundland Club the parents must be examined
for hips and elbows
(no matter what result), cystinuria carriers x carriers are not on the list.
France - full FCI member
Club Francais du Cien Terre-Neuve et du LandseerSociété Centrale Canine
Germany - full FCI member
has two FCI recognized clubs:
Deutscher Neufundländer-Klub e. V. (DNK - founded 1893)
Verein für Neufundländerfreunde in Deutschland e. V. (VND - founded 1985)
Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen e. V.
common rules for both clubs:
- hip grade A and B any combination allowed
- hip grade C only with hip grade A or B
- hip grade D and E no breeding permission
- elbow borderline (Grenzfall) only with borderline or 0
- elbow 1 only with ED 0
- elbow 2 and more no breeding permission in DNK, VND allows also elbow grade 2
Cystinuria carriers only with cystinuria clear. Cystinuria ill no breeding permission.
Heart check with color echo doppler.
DNK: Bonitation earliest with 15 months at an inofficial show with two German specialty judges.
VND: At least two exhibiting results with grading "very good", at a Kennel Club protected exhibition. Dogs that do not have two gradings "excellent", can only be mated with partners who got at least two times grading "excellent" in intermediate, open or champion class. Additional temperament test is required.
Proof of dental status with dental card required.
additional for males:
First mating not before 18 months of age, no restriction upwards.
additional for bitches:
DNK and VND: First mating after the age of the age of 21 months. The last mating before the completion of the 8th year of life.
A female may receive a maximum of 6 litters in her life
Additional for VND: First mating not later than with 60 months of age.
Hungary - full FCI member
In the moment no club in Hungary
Hungarian Kennel Club
Ireland - full FCI member
has two FCI recognized Newfoundland Clubs:
The Newfoundland Club of Ireland
The Emerald Isle Newfoundland Club
The Irish Kennel Club
Israel - full FCI member
St. Bernard & Newfoundland Club - IsraelKennel Club of Israel
Italy - full FCI member
Club Italiano del Terranova (CIT - founded 1976) FCI recognized
Italien Societa Amatori Terranova SAT (founded 1994) not FCI recognized
Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana
There are no health rules.
Reputable breeders in SAT breed up to maximum HD C and ED 2.
If known, cystinuria carrier x carrier is not allowed.
Latvia - full FCI member
Club is not online any more (founded 1998), we don´t know, if it still exists.
Latvian Kennel Club
common rules:
Hips only grade A and B allowed, for bitches A, B and C.
Elbow grade 0 and 1 are allowed.
Cystinuria test prescribed, carrier x carrier prohibited.
First mating males and bitches at the earliest with 24 months, upper limit for bitches 8 years, males no limit upward.
Lithuania - full FCI member
Lietuvos Niufaundlendu-Landsyru Megeju KlubasLithuanian Cynological Society
Luxembourg - full FCI member
Landseer und Neufundländer Club Luxemburg a.s.b.l. (founded 1989Fédération Cynologique Luxembourgeoise
common rules:
Only a hip examination is required by the Luxembourg Kennel Club, garde A and B are permitted.